Monday, November 19, 2012


I didn't realize just how bad it was until I spent the whole weekend cleaning out the shop. There were scraps of junk and old wood that has been lurking under a few benches for at least 9 years now. If I haven't used it by now, it isn't going to happen. Driven by a local newspaper reporter who is coming out today to take some pictures and interview some local people who sell crafts and stuff on Etsy. I figured that I had better clean enough to at least make it safe to walk around. I'll post the article when it comes out. Now I have the floor space to layout the new kayak...

Tuesday, November 06, 2012


Been pretty busy in the shop of late, the weather is getting colder and we have finished the firewood for this year. So that translates into more time for fun stuff and less time doing yard work. The Etsy shop is doing pretty good, I suppose the pre-holiday shopping is picking up. It still amazes me that I have been buying tools and supplies from the income generated by these silly little wooden toys and fences. A big thank you to everyone who keeps coming back and buying more stuff. I'm going to pound out some more stuff to send to a craft show in DeSmet on the 17th that the neighbor has a booth at. We will see how all this stuff sells.
Meanwhile I am just about finished with the re-skining project of B-man's kayak. I have been learning interesting things about tent fabric and spar urethane. Just a few bits of trim to put on and one final coat, then its off to storage for the winter cuz I need the space for the next kayak.